Photo Album page 1

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Cliccando sulle immagini si avrà l'ingrandimento delle stesse.

The adults at the Dieli Reunion in the home of Maria Nanzarelli Dieli in Noto in August of 1997

All the children at the Dieli Reunion at the home of Maria Nanzarelli Dieli in Noto in August of 1997

Christmas 1998 at the Cecil's

A Dieli gathering in Caltagirone in August of 1997

The Dieli siblings from JoAnn to Tony at the Cecil's place in Texas for Christmas of 1998

Rosario, Laura, Patrizia, Michele
The Rosario Dieli family of Winnenden, Germany

Mary Alice
Mary Alice in Les Miz

The cast of Les Miz
The full cast of Les Miz

Annie and Bert Healy
Annie and Bert Healy

Joseph and Lisa
Joseph and Lisa

Salvatore Dieli family gathering
Salvatore Dieli family gathering

Masimo Dieli family group
The Massimo Dieli family

Salvatore & Petracia family
The Salvatore & Petracia family

Fina and Vittorio
Serafina and Vittorio

Roberto,Massimo, Alessandra, and Valeria
Roberto, Massimo, Alessandra, and Valeria

Picture of Ludovica
Ludovica during Paula's visit
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Cliccando sulle immagini si avrà l'ingrandimento delle stesse.

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This page is maintained by Art Dieli.
Last updated: Oct 11, 2017