Credits | ![]() |
HelpersThe purpose of this Credits page is to gratefully acknowledge the help I've had in putting this web site together. The helpers make a very difficult task much more manageable.
The ToolsFor an HTML editor I use PageSpinner, a shareware package written by Jerry Aman of Optima Systems. For text preparation and manipulation, removing line endings, preparing tables, and the like I use TextWrangler, TextEdit and AppleWorks, all of which came bundled with my computer. I also often enter text directly into PageSpinner. Since PageSpinner has no built-in spell-checker, typing errors manage to find their way into the text. For graphics I used Color It! by MicroFrontier, Inc., the Draw and Paint tools of AppleWorks, GIFConverter, a shareware package by Kevin A. Mitchell, and GIFBuilder, a shareware package by Yves Piguet. Packages come and go. I now use GraphicsConverter X for most of my current graphics work. Safari is now my primary browser and Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer are used to check that my web site is viewable by various users. For continuing research I now mostly use Google. Most of the useful links that I've found are on the Links Page, but I'm sure I've neglected to list some of them from time to time. For the genealogy database I use Reunion, a Macintosh application from Leister Productions, Inc. After entering the information into Reunion, I extract only the basic information to display on the Family Trees page. In The Very BeginningI decided to put up a Home Page during the spring of 1997 after trying to find out what I could learn about my grandparents. I had had a vague childhood memory of having seen their picture, but nothing more. As I acquired family background information I realized I had to share it with all the relatives, and what better way to do this than via the burgeoning internet? Putting up a Home Page was no small task so I started by reviewing a few of the pages on the Web to see what was being done, in order to get an idea of where the technology was at the time, and then to see what designs felt comfortable. The technology was moving very rapidly on several levels. It continues to do so today. JAVA looked like a good bet for the programmer and plain HTML looked feasible for the content specialist. I chose to go the plain HTML route because I wanted to devote my time to content rather than to programming, knowing that by doing so I was limiting the functionality, but I reasoned that I could always add Java applets later. The transition from computer techie to content specialist was almost painless. The content world is much more forgiving than the techie world. In the meantime, I've learned a little JavaScript and have been incorporating it into some sections. Eventually I decided to abandon the use of frames, primarily to gain access to the full screen. When I went with frames I was aware of the impact on search engines but unconcerned by that factor since my web site is intended for a limited audience. So the need for more screen geography won out over the optimal positioning of links. On The Shoulders of Giants (see Note 1)Help has come from many sources, some of which are the following:
Although I realized that there may be some users of back level browsers who could not use frames, I had initially decided to use them in order to give my users more flexible control of the content. This objective was achieved by:
One of the nice things about having a web site on the internet is that it leads to contacts with other people who share my interests. If you're one of those people, please send me your comments.
Note 1: "Pygmies placed on the shoulders of giants see more than the giants themselves," an apothegm (aphorism) derived from the writings of the 12th century scholastic Bernard of Chartres who said, "In comparison with the ancients we stand like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants" (a stained glass window at the Cathedral of Chartres depicts Matthew sitting astride the shoulders of Isaiah) (The People's Chronology is licensed from Henry Holt and Company, Inc. Copyright © 1995, 1996 by James Trager. All rights reserved. This text was copied from the Microsoft Bookshelf CD-ROM). People more frequently quote Sir Isaac Newton's (1642-1727) version of this concept. He said, "If I have been able to see farther than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants."