Other Sources
- Sicilian Wikipedia
This link is in Sicilian and is an excellent opportunity for you to read Sicilian in the Wiki format. Those of you who can write in Sicilian have a vehicle for contributing articles and adding to existing articles. By December of 2009 there were more that 15,000 articles on la Wikipedia n sicilianu.
The section entitled "Articoli" has the transcript of an interesting conversation with the linguist, Professor Tristano Boielli of the University of Pisa who was interviewed by Luciano Simonelli in October of 1983. Also in this section is an article entitled "La Lingua Siciliana: origini e influssi", that's a record of the evolution of Sicilian. The authors; Dr. Leoluca Criscione, Carmela Damante and Sergio Gregorio, refer to it as a brief review. It is surely that, but it is also sufficiently informative.
- Sicilia nel mondo.
Un viaggio nella storia e nell'attualità dell'Isola, fra nostalgia e news, cultura e riscoperta del dialetto. Ecco, così, mese per mese e città per città, il calendario di feste e manifestazioni, la rubrica degli indovinelli in siciliano, con traduzione e link per la soluzione, le cartoline illustrate della Sicilia monumentale e turistica, da guardare e inviare ad amici lontani. Ancora, fotografie e biografie dei personaggi illustri, da Brancati a Pirandello, da Bellini a Quasimodo, a Guttuso, le più belle poesie dialettali, e un guest-book, zeppo di congratulazioni dai cinque continenti. "I numeri - dice il creatore del sito, Vincenzo Bonanno, ingegnere elettronico di origine mazarese - parlano da soli: centinaia di e-mail anche da Australia e Giappone, 7.200 contatti in tre mesi"
A journey into the history and current events of the island, from nostalgia to news, culture and the rediscovery of the dialect. Month by month, city by city, the calendar of festive days and exhibitions, writings of Sicilian riddles with translations (in Italian) and links for the solutions, postcards illustraed with Sicilian monuments and tourist attractions, to look at and to send to your far away friends. And more, photographs and biographies of illustrious personages, from Brancati to Pirandello, Bellini to Quisimodo, to Guttuso, the most beautiful poetry in dialect...etc.
- Rete Sicilia Sicily Net.
This is a relatively new and artistically done site for all sorts of things about Sicily. Because of all the art work, expect it to take one or two minutes to load but don't get impatient, it's worth the wait. Much of it is still being developed but you'll probably want to bookmark the site. Notice that you can sign up for their newsletter.
- The Wikipedia article on Caltagirone
This link takes you to a comprehensive Italian language Wikipedia article on Caltagirone. It includes a number of useful and instructive links.
- The Sicilian language page in Sicilian
Note the "scn" prefix to the Wikipedia url. Those of you who already know one of the other romance languages will have a basis for comparison and you'll immediately recognize the uniqueness of Sicilian.
- A List of Sicilian Municipalities on the Web
You can click on this link and then wander through any number of offerings by the various Sicilian municipalities that have taken the trouble to put their information online. Some have included useful telephone numbers, notes on their history, tourist attractions, architecture with pictures, etc. A great way to get an introduction to tourist Sicily.
- La Sicilia in dettaglio - Sicily in full detail
This is an unusually rich site in its plan though much of it is still under active contruction. The most recent update was on May 23, 2005. As you may have guessed from the title, the site is bilingual, Italian and English. It lists the 390 municipalites of Sicily with an accompanying map and allows you to link to information on each one. It also includes a color map of the 9 provinces of Sicily. The site is intended to serve as a connection between buyers and sellers. Interesting and useful. The surname search provided by this site limits the lookup to the region of Sicily and also lists each community where the name appears, as well as a count.
- Unione Delle Communità Ebraiche Italiane
This Italian Language site deals with Jewish Italy. It includes six main categories: 1) Ebrei in Italia 2) Altri enti ebraici 3) Informazioni utili 4) Ebrei ed Ebraismo 5) Attualità 6) Unione Communità. It also includes a site limited search engine that worked when I tested it. (3/14/2001) The site yields some 404 errors and uses frames to separate navigation and content. It contains a too brief discussion of the history of Jewish Italy, but I enjoyed reading what it has.
- Italia Judaica
This English Language site also deals with Jewish Italy. Italia Judaica is a project established by Professor Shlomo Simonsohn together with scholars from Israel and other countries.
- Best of Sicily
This English Language site includes the following subheadings: Sights to See; Localities; Travel FAQs; Nature, History, Culture; Arts & Culture; Food, Wine, Dining; Real Sicilians; Hotels;Magazine; Map of Sicily; Site Index; Mini Menu; Sicily Links; and a Contact subheading. The site appears to be current and evolving.
- The very informative Anthology of Italian Literature is no longer available online. This is a replacement in Italian of a similar very large collection, the result of Progetto Manuzio.
It contains the original texts of Italian litereray works in electronic format. That is to say, the texts are online. They are organized into nine categories. Collaboration is open to all and distribution of the literary works is without charge. In the Poetry category poets included are: Dante Alighieri, Pietro Aretino, Ludovico Ariosto, Guido Cavalcanti, Ugo Foscolo, Guido Gozzano, Giacomo Leopardi, Alessandro Manzoni, and Vincenzo Monti. In the Prose category writers included are: Giovanni Boccaccio, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Edmondo De Amicis, Grazia Deledda, Ugo Foscolo, Alessandro Manzoni, Luigi Pirandello, Italo Svevo, Federico Tozzi, and Giovanni Verga. There are also one or two selections in the following categories: Prose for children, Contemporary authors, Religious texts, Philosophy, Essays, Theatre, and Miscellany.
- Duecento
This site was established by Francesco Bonomi who has created a large database of early Italian poetry and literature beginning with the Sicilian School of the 1200s and extending to the works of Dante.
- Michelin Maps of Sicily
This link takes you to the best set of Michelin maps that are available on the internet. The page has clickable (largish) thumbnails of a stylized map of Sicily that shows it's relationship to Italy and Tunisia, maps of the nine provinces, and maps of all the offshore islands.
- SiciliaSearch
Is a portal fully dedicated to Sicily, where it's possible to research hotel and other rentals, as well as information about Sicilian towns and provinces, tourist itineraries, a photo gallery, recipes, famous personalities,and more. As of October of 2005, the site had been in operation for three years.
- Sons of Italy
The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) says it is the largest and longest-established national organization for men and women of Italian heritage in the United States. It was established in 1905 as a mutual aid society for Italian immigrants.
Books (alphebetized by author)
- Malidittu La Lingua, by Vincenzo Ancona
- Il "Siciliano" a Caltagirone, by Sac. Nunzio Annaro
- Il Parere di Don Totò, by Renzino Barbera
- Sicilian Cuisine, by Gaetano Basile
- Sicily: Three Thousand Years Of Human History, by Sandra Benjamin
- Introduction to Sicilian Grammar, by J. K. "Kirk" Bonner
- Il gioco della mosca, by Andrea Camilleri
- Trinakìe: Breve Storia Semiseria Della Sicilia, by Nino Cirnigliaro and Ciccio Gurrieri
- Il Nostro Sentiero, by Nino Cirrincione
- Italian Genealogical Records, by Trafford R. Cole
- Finding Italian Roots, by John Philip Colletta, PhD.
- A Short History of Sicily, by Santi Correnti
- Sicilian Proverbs, translated by Arthur V. Dieli
- Sicilian Fables, translated by Arthur V. Dieli
- Èthnos: Quaderni di etnologia, edited by Corrado Di Pietro
- Sweet Lemons: Writings with a Sicilian Accent, ed by V. Fazio & Delia De Santis
- La Primavera di Caltagirone, by Calcedonio Donato
- Puisiì e Cuntrasti in Sicilianu, by Petru Fudduni
- The Italian American Experience: An Encyclopedia, by LaGumina et al.
- Chiddu Ca Nun Si Vidi, by Lina La Mattina
- 'Na Vuci A La Scurata, by Lina La Mattina
- The Narrow Beach, by Enzo Lauretta
- Scuru: Teatro Siciliano, by Nino Martoglio
- The Poetry of Nino Martoglio
- Don Chisciotti and Sanciu Panza, by Giovanni Meli,
- La Gestualità dei Siciliani, by Fabio Oliveri
- Grammatica Siciliana, by Giuseppe Pitrè and Christian F. Wentrup
- I racconti di Giufà e altre storie, G. Pitrè, L. von Gonzenbach, S.A. Guastella
- A Sicilian Shakespeare, by Renzo Porcelli
- The Sicilians, by Joseph F. Privitera
- Vinissi..., by Antonino Provenzano
- Heritage: Italian-American Style, by Leon J. Radomile
- Proverbi Siciliani, by Giuseppe Pitrè translated by Arthur Dieli
- Villa Palagonia Nella Mia Tavolozza, by Carlo. Puleo
- The Children of Aeolus, by Carlo. Puleo translated by Arthur Dieli
- 2000 Risate, by Claudio Rinaudo
- U Lampiuni, by Claudio Rinaudo
- Customs and Habits of the Sicilian Peasants, by S. Salomone-Marino, edited and translated by Rosalie N. Norris
- Sicilia, Sicilia, Siclia! by Giuseppe Scianò
- L'Economia Senza Etica È Diseconomia, by Don Luigi Sturzo
- La Lingua Siciliana, by Ignazio Sucato