Sicilian Poetry


Mario Gori (1926-1970)

In the spring of 2008, Arba Sicula published its twenty ninth anniversary issue of the Journal Of Sicilian Folklore And Literature. The issue includes a Special Section on the poet Mario Gori. The audio track on the title page of this website, performed by Salvo Bottari of the Canterini di Ortigia, is an eight line poem by Mario Gori. Here's an extract about the poet from the Caltanissetta website.
Di Mario Gori (1926-1970) a cui Niscemi si vanta di avere dato i natali. il prof Santi Correnti scrive: "uno dei migliori poeti, fondatore del movimento letterario detto "Trinacrismo", e direttore delle riviste letterarie Sciara e Soffitta. Per l'anagrafe era Mario De Pasquale: prese come pseudonimo "Gori". derivandolo dal cognome dell'anarchico siciliano Pietro Gori da Messina (1859-1911), che fu amico e compagno di fede di Enrico Malatesta e di Amilcare Cipriani"; e di Vincenzo Museo (1895-1963). Niscemi is proud of being the birthplace of Mario Gori (1926-1970). Professor Santi Correnti writes: "one of the best poets, founder of the literary movement Trinacrismo, and director of the two literary reviews Sciara and Soffitta.  He was born Mario De Pasquale and took the pseudonym "Gori", deriving it from the family name of the Sicilian anarchist Pietro Gori of Messina (1859-1911), who was a friend and associate of Enrico Malatesta and of Amilcare Cipriani"; and of Vincenzo Museo (1895-1963).

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Last updated 11/11/09