Sicilian Poetry


Capuana, Luigi (1839­1915), Italian writer, dramatist, and journalist. He was born to a wealthy bourgeois family outside of Catania, in Sicily, and as a young man abandoned his law studies to dedicate himself to writing and journalism. He is known, together with Giovanni Verga, as one of the foremost exponents of the verismo literary movement. Among his many novels are Giacinta (1879), Profumo (Perfume, 1890), and his most famous work, Il marchese di Roccaverdina (The Marquis of Roccaverdina, 1901); he also published 19 volumes of short prose. Following Verga's example, Capuana recognized the artistic and expressive value of folkloric material, and often incorporated it into his work; indeed, the 'impersonal' style advocated by verismo found a natural correlate in folk and fairy tales. --copied from Sta notti... (Tonight) Sicilian English Sta notti mi sunnai quattru funtani,   Tonight I dreamt of four fountains Quattru pedi d'aranciu a lu ciuriri; Of four orange trees about to blossom; Vitti li stiddi scinniri e acchianari,   I saw the stars descend and ascend; Vitti lu suli comu un lebbru jiri;   I saw the sun run like a hare; Vitti n'aquila fina a lu vulari, I saw a fine eagle ready to soar, Vitti lu cori tò npettu viniri; I saw your heart come into my breast; Ca siddu mi putieva arrisbigghiari, And could I have awakened, Nun ti l'avissi cchiù lassatu jiri. I would never have let you go. --copied from Wikipedia
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Last updated 11/11/09