Sicilian Folklore


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Sicilian Folk Music

During the 11th Annual tour of Siciliy conducted by Arba Sicula, one of the groups we were entertained by was a folksinging group called the Canterini di Ortigia. Ortigia is the old part of Siracusa and is an island connected to the city by the Ponte Nuovo. The Canterini have produced a CD of their performance which is in the style of a Cuntastorie, a spoken monologue introducing songs that tell a story. Here are two snippets to give you an idea of the content. The first is a spoken monologue entitled, "Lu me sangu" and the second is the beginning of the last verse of the folksong, "Marinareddu".

Lu me sangu, a poem by Mario Gori, is a spoken monologue that introduces the performance. The narrator is Salvo Bottaro. Children are heard playing in the background. Here's a loose translation:
My blood, good sirs, is common,
my heart knows no master,
my grandfather was a peasant
but didn't tip his hat to certain folks,
he gathered hunger with his hands
but knocked not at the palace door,
not unaware of my heredity,
I genuflect for no one.
Lu me sangu, signuri, è pupulanu
e lu me cori nun ci n'avi patruni
me nannu pi sapillu era viddanu
ma nun si scappiddò cu certarcuni,
la fami la cugghieva cu li manu
ma nun ci tuppuliò 'nta li purtuni,
di la me razza iu nun sugnu stranu
e cu nuddu mi mettu a ginucchiuni

This second selection from the CD "La terra e la memoria" by the Canterini di Ortigia is just the beginning of the last verse of Marinareddu the happy song of a fisherman who's thinking of the girl that he loves and glories in the freedom he enjoys while at sea.
Pinzannu a idda piscu cuntenti
e allegramenti vogghiu cantà
marinareddu, marinareddu
sugnu patruni di libbirtà

Ciuri Ciuri (from the CD Folklore Siciliano) File size of the download is 168K. Ciuri is the Sicilian word for flower and is normally used as a term of endearment. In this song it is being used with sarcasm and the man is saying that he is taking all the love that he was given and giving it back to her. There are many verses to the song and endless variations. In some the unhappy lover castigates not only his former sweetheart but all women as well. This 55 second sample consists of the last stanza. Some of the lyrics are in the next column.
Ciuri di gelsumini rampicanti
mi scialu,ridu,
e cantu allegramenti.

Non cantu nè pi' amuri
nè pa' amanti
pi' fariti dispettu

Ciuri ciuri
ciuri di tuttu l'annu
l'amuri ca mi dasti
iù ti lo tornu.


This selection is from the CD "Italian Treasury: Sicily, that was recorded by the Alan Lomax group from the summer of 1954 to January 1955.

La Storia is a narrative poem in linked sestinas. The performer is Orazio Strano (vocal and guitar). The performance is supported by illustrative banners and lasts for about four hours.

This snippet lasts about a minute.

The beginning lyrics and narrative are in the next column.

Non si fici pi nnenti arraggiunari
l'omu malvaggiu e cchinu di fururi,
a la cchiù nica si misi a guardari,
a Graziedda ca parìa n'amuri
ca di la matri stava fora manu
quantu quaranta metri cchiù luntanu

Spoken: A figghia stava cchiù luntana
picchì quannu ci sparau a sò patri
scappau picchì si scantau.

Pigghiau la mira lu malu cristianu
a la figghia cu n'occhiu tantu finu,
ci spara e la firìu a lu vilicanu
e p'ammazzela ci currìu vicinu,
Raziedda si ci misi addinucchiata
prigannu tantu a dd'arma dispirata.

'A Luna Ammenzu 'U Mari (from the casette, Sicilyana: Antologia di canzoni Siciliane) File size of the download is 184K. This is one of the most popular Sicilian songs and is replete with double entendre. It is most effectively sung by two voices, those of the mother and the daughter. The daughter sings to her mother that there is a moon over the water or sea and so she wants to marry (the age of arranged marriages) and the mother asks her who she should give her and the daughter tells her to decide. As it's usually sung, it goes on verse after verse with the mother considering the barber, the butcher, the baker, the mason, the pastry cook, etc. Each verse ends with a reference to an item associated with each artisan and how it will be applied to the daughter. This sample is a 1 minute snip from the casette tape. In the next column, the daughter's lyrics are in red.

C'è la luna ammenzu 'u mari
mamma mia m'ha' maritari.

Figghia mia, a cu' t'hê dari?
Mamma mia pensaci tu.

Si ti dugnu 'nu barberi
iddu va, iddu veni,
lu rasolu a manu teni.
Si ci pigghia la fantasia
ti rasulìa, la figghia mia.

C'è la luna ammenzu 'u mari
mamma mia m'ha' maritari.

Figghia mia, a cu' t'hê dari?
Mamma mia pensaci tu.

Si ti dugnu 'nu scaparu
iddu va, iddu veni,
lu tricettu a manu teni.
Si ci pigghia la fantasia
ti trincittìa, la figghia mia.


Si Maritau Rosa (from Folklore Siciliano) File size of the download is 116K. This little 39 second sample was included because it is a very well known Sicilian folksong and you'll be able to hear the words very clearly. The singer says that Rose, Sara, and Josephine have all married and she, who is beautiful, wants to get married.

Some of the words are in the next column.

Vinni la primavera
li mennuli su'n ciuri
lu focu di l'amuri
lu cori m'addumò.

I a menzu suli e ciuri
a volunu l'acceddi
tutti sti cosi beddi
mi fannu suspirar.

Si maritau Rosa
Saridda e Pippinedda
e jeu ca sugnu bedda
mi vogghiu marità.


Tarantella Cefalù (from CD Souvenir Di Sicilia) File size of the download is 44K. The Tarantella, although it is a dance of Neopolitan origin, is very popular in Sicily. In this 15 second extract the melody is carried by a Sicilian friscalettu and if you listen carefully you can hear some harmony by the marranzano and rhythm on a tammureddu.

Vitti 'Na Crozza (from Folklore Siciliano) File size of the download is 168K. This is an old folksong about someone who sees a skull sitting atop a corner cabinet and asks it what it is doing there. The skull replies that it had the misfortune of not having heard bells ringing at its death and so it's consigned to this unhappy state. This 29 second extract was selected because it has the characteristic mandolin accompaniment.
Vitti 'na crozza supra 'nu cantuni
fui curiusu e ci vosi spiari.
Idda m'arrispunniu cu gran duluri:
"ju morsi senza 'n toccu di campani".

Vinniru e si ni ieru li me' anni
vinniru e si ni ieru un sacciu unni
ora ca sugnu arrivatu a l'ottant' anni
chiamu la morti e nuddu m'arrispunni.


This Benito Merlino version of Vitti 'Na Crozza (from "Chants De Sicile & Des Iles Éoliennes") has a file size of 152K for a 51 second snip. It's included because the style of the rendition is very different from the Dino Zullo version. As a matter of fact, some of the words are unique to this recording.

'U Sciccareddu Sicilianu (from CD Sicilia Bella) has a file size of 276K for a 90 second snip. This is a very popular folksong with many lyrics. Only one stanza of lyrics is included here. See the following text about the Sicilian Carrettu.

CDs and Casette Tapes

"Canterini di Ortigia: La terra e la memoria", The disc contains: 1) Jochi di picciriddi - parlato: Lu me sangu signuri, 2) GANCIA, 3) SIGNURUZZU CHIUVITI CHIUVITI, 4) Parlato - Canto di pescatori, 5) MARINAREDDU, 6) Parlato - Canto di carritteri, 7) VINNI A CANTARI, 8) Parlato - Canto popolare, 9) E VUI DURMITI ANCORA, 10) Canto popolare, 11) CARRITTERI, 12) U VESPRU, 13) Parlato: Patri nostru, 14) TURI NUN PARRO', 15) SUTTA 'N VELU, 16) VITTI VITTI, 17) Parlato: A terra mia, 18) SICILIA LUNTANA - A few copies of this CD are available from Arba Sicula for $15.00 each plus $1.50 for postage. Send a check to Prof. G. Cipolla at St. John's University, Jamaica, NY 11439.
"Folklore Siciliano: Un Ponte Sullo Stretto", Il Meglio, Vol. 2, distributed by DISCOPIU', Via Quintiliano, 29, 20138 Milano, Italy. The disc contains: 1) Un Ponte Sullo Stretto, 2) Ciuri Ciuri, 3) Vitti'Na Crozza, 4) Sicilia Mia Sicilia, 5) Sicilia Terra D'Amuri, 6) Viva La Sicilia, 7) Sicilia Bedda, 8) Si Maritau Rosa, 9) Festa in Piazza, 10) Valzer Siciliano, 11) A Figghia I Donna Rosa, 12) La Luna Ammenzu 'O Mari, 13) Calabrisella Mia, 14) La Campagnola, 15) La Zita, 16) 'U Sciccareddu Sicilianu.
"Sicilia Bella: Da Naxos a Taormina", Il Meglio, Vol. 3, distributed by DISCOPIU', Via Quintiliano, 29, 20138 Milano, Italy. The disc contains: 1) Benvenuti A Taormina, 2) Da Naxos A Taormina, 3) Calabrisella Mia, 4) Cumu Si Li Cugghero Li Beddi Pira, 5) La Zita, 6) U Figghiu Emigratu, 7) 'U Sciccareddu Sicilianu, 8) A Zita 'Mpignusa, 9) Malinconico Emigrante, 10) Balliamo La Quadriglia, 11) Quadriglia In Festa, 12) Quadriglia Abruzzese, 13) Quadriglia Marinara, 14) Quadriglia Del Nonno, 15) A soggira Sciarrina, 16) L' Emigrante Che Prega.
"Souvenir Di Sicilia" by SEA Musica, Catania, Via S. Maria di Betlem, 31. The disc contains: 1) Vitti 'Na Crozza, 2) E Vui Durmiti Ancora, 3) Ciuri Ciuri, 4) Come L'Unna, 5) Stornelli Malandrini, 6) La Ginestra, 7) Cantu Di Carritteri, 8) Sicilia Mia Sicilia, 9) 'U Sciccareddu, 10) Controdanza Amurusa, 11) Mazurka A Furriari, 12) Lu Divorzio, 13) Si Maritau Rosa, 14) Mi Scongica, 15) Lu Cardidduzzu, 16) Tarantella Cefalù.
"Sicilia Terra D'Amuri" by Dischi Ricordi S.p.A., Nella Serie Italiacanta, Ignazio Privitera e il suo complesso. The disc contains: 1) Vitti'Na Crozza, 2) Sicilia Mia Sicilia, 3) Calabrisella Mia, 4) La Luna Ammenzu 'O Mari, 5) Quantu É Beddu Cefalù, 6) Si Maritau Rosa, 7) La Campagnola, 8) La Zita, 9) Ciuri Ciuri, 10) 'U Sciccareddu Sicilianu, 11) Tarantella Sbarazzina, 12) Mi Votu E Mi Rivotu Suspirannu 13) Sicilia Terra D'Amuri 14) A Passeggio Per Acitrezza.
"Chants De Sicile & Des Iles Éoliennes", Musique Du Monde, Benito Merlino, Collection Dominique Buscail dirigée par Gilles Fruchaux, Buda Musique, 188, bd Voltaire, 75011 Paris. The disc contains: 1) La Ballata Di Don Giovanni, 2) La Mattanza, 3) Cavalieri Di Bretagna, 4) Il Lamento Di Eolo, 5) Angelica, 6) Fila Fila Bedda Mia, 7) Le Sette Sorelle, 8) Serata A Donnafugata, 9) Un Giorno Sarai Un'Isola, 10) Botta Pi Botta, 11) Amici, Amici, 12) I Sospiri Di Diana 13) Vannazzu A Lu Burattu 14) La Bedda Dillu Scuogghiu, 15) Vota E Giria, 16) Per Luigi Salvatore..., 17) I Colori Del Mare 18) Portosalvo 19) Ti Dice Niente Il Mare.
"Italian Treasury: Sicily", Original field recordings by Alan Lomax and Diego Carpitella, 1954. The disc contains: 1) Carrittera (Carter's Song), 2) Battle Between Orlando and Rinaldo, 3) Cialomi (Tuna Fishermen's Chanta), 4) Canti Dei Salinai (Salt Worker's Songs), 5) Surfarara (Song In The Sulfur Miners' Style), 6) Surfarara (Song In The Sulfur Miners' Style), 7) U Pisari (Threshing Song), 8) U Mètiri (Reaping Song), 9) Ballu Da Curdedda (Sicilian Pole Dance), 10) Ninna Nanna (Lullaby), 11) A La Nicusiota (In The Style of Nicosia), 12) U Pisari (Threshing Floor Cries), 13) Ninna Nanna (Lullaby), 14) Suonata For Bagpipe, 15) La Soria Di Cicciu Ulivieri (Narrative Song), 16) Tammurinata (Drum Rhythms), 17) Nnuena (Christmas Novena), 18) Narrative Song (Almond Sorters' Song), 19) Carrittera (Carter's Song), 20) A La Ruggiera (Lemon-Picking Song), 21) Tarantella, 22) Ciuri Di Pipi Messinesi (Messina Peppercorns), 23) Marranzanata (Jew's Harp Tune), 24) A Sturnellu (A Folk Song), 25) Waltz, 26) Tarantella, 27) A Passioni (Easter Passion), 28) Suonata For Bagpipe And Triangle, 29) Carrittera (Carter's Song)
Casette Tapes
"La Mia Sicilia" , Vol 1, Dino Zullo E I Luparoti, Distributore: Casa Del Disco, Corso Umberto, 146, Taormina. Contents: Side A: Vitti 'Na Crozza; Taurmina; Duci Spasimi; Mi 'Nzonnu; E Truvai L'Ammuri. Side B: Io Sugnu L'Etna; Sicilia Luntana; Marranzanata; Mi Votu E Mi Rivotu; Lupara; Ciuri Ciuri.
"Folklore Siciliano: 20 Gold Hits", BM553, Made in Italy. Contents: Side A: 1. La Luna Mezzu o Mari 2. Vitti 'Na Crozza 3. Ciuri Ciuri 4. Sicilia 5. Si Maritau Rosa 6. Chiovu, Abballati 7. Lu Me Sceccu Malandrinu 8. Li Beddi Pira 9. Sicilia Mia Sicilia10. La Campagnola Side B: 11. Sicilia Bedda 12. Ntintiri Ntontari 13. E Vui Durmiti Ancora 14. Mi Vogghiu Fari Zita 15. A Mamma Si Misi I Causi 16. Piccatura 17. Trilli Trilli 18. Tarantella 19. Mamma Cicciu Mi Tocca 20. A Tri Castagni.
Sicilyana: Antologia di canzoni Siciliane, complesso Canterini Etnei, diretti dal M. Salvatre Riela, Arrangiamenti Salvatore Riela, Realizzazione Gianni Pezzino, Direzione Artistica Gino Finocchiaro. Contents: Side 1 Vitti 'Na Crozza; Si Maritau Rosa; Non Ti Lassu/Mi Votu E Mi Rivotu; Marranzanata; Comu L'Unna; Quantu Ni Patu; Tarantella Taormina. Side 2 A Sant'Alfiu; Ciuri Ciuri; Barcarola D'Amuri; Mi Sconcica; 'A Luna Ammenzu 'U Mari; Sicilia Nostra/Sicilia Sicilia/Sicilia Bedda.

The Sicilian Carrettu was characterisitically drawn by a donkey or a mule. During an interesting lecture at the Museo di Nunzio Bruno, he explained how the location of many of the roadside inns had been determined by the distance that a donkey could pull a loaded carrettu in one day, before having to rest. He also explained that the carts with a base paint color of red were from Palermo whereas in Catania they used a base coat of yellow. During an interesting lecture about the Sicilian Carrettu he demonstrated how the carritteri (the cart driver) shifted the balance of a loaded carrettu so that the donkey could more easily pull it as they travelled up and down hill. Nowadays the carrettu is a show piece and is usually drawn by a horse as in this picture. The greater height of the horse causes the carrettu to be abnormally tilted as in this picture by Magic Print of Napoli. This picture appears on the cover of the CD, "Souvenir Di Sicilia" by SEA Musica, Catania, Via S. Maria di Betlem, 31.
group of folksingersSicilian culture has a rich tradition of folk music and costumes. Each area has it's own version of costumes. This group is pictured on the CD, "Sicilia Bella: Da Naxos a Taormina", Il Meglio, Vol. 3, distributed by DISCOPIU', Via Quintiliano, 29, 20138 Milano, Italy. The disc contains: 1) Benvenuti A Taormina, 2) Da Naxos A Taormina, 3) Calabrisella Mia, 4) Cumu Si Li Cugghero lLi Beddi Pira, 5) La Zita, 6) U Figghiu Emigratu, 7) 'U Sciccareddu Sicilianu, 8) A Zita 'Mpignusa, 9) Malinconico Emigrante, 10) Balliamo La Quadriglia, 11) Quadriglia In Festa, 12) Quadriglia Abruzzese, 13) Quadriglia Marinara, 14) Quadriglia Del Nonno, 15) A soggira Sciarrina, 16) L' Emigrante Che Prega. During our stay in Sicily we were fortunate enough to see a group of folk singers like this during a summer festival.
three folksingers This group is pictured on the CD, "Folklore Siciliano: Un Ponte Sullo Stretto", Il Meglio, Vol. 2, distributed by DISCOPIU', Via Quintiliano, 29, 20138 Milano, Italy. The disc contains: 1) Un Ponte Sullo Stretto, 2) Ciuri Ciuri, 3) Vitti'Na Crozza, 4) Sicilia Mia Sicilia, 5) Sicilia Terra D'Amuri, 6) Viva La Sicilia, 7) Sicilia Bedda, 8) Si Maritau Rosa, 9) Festa in Piazza, 10) Valzer Siciliano, 11) A Figghia I Donna Rosa, 12) La Luna Ammenzu 'O Mari, 13) Calabrisella Mia, 14) La Campagnola, 15) La Zita, 16) 'U Sciccareddu Sicilianu.

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This page is maintained by Art Dieli.
Last updated 5/30/12