Introduction (continued)

open door

My Paternal Grandparents

picture of grandparents  My paternal grandparents were "Calatini" the name for natives of Caltagirone, Sicily. My grandfather Francesco di Paolo was born on June 30, 1862 and my grandmother, Concetta Recca Dieli was born on May 19, 1864. They had eleven children, six of whom died within their first one or two years.

The surviving children, from oldest to youngest, were Salvatore (my father), Santo, Angelo, Antonina, and Lucia.

Salvatore, Santo, and Antonina each emigrated to the U.S.

This picture is a copy of the original recently lent to me by my cousin Armand Dieli who inherited his mother's picture collection and had the good sense to hang on to it.

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This page is maintained by Art Dieli.
Last updated Monday, November 22, 2004