Alaimo, Emma, Proverbi Siciliani, 188 pp, Giunti Gruppo Editoriale, Firenze, 1974, 1991. ISBN 99-09-20193-0. This collection of eleven hundred and eighty one Sicilian proverbs is organized into twelve categories. Each proverb is translated into Italian and where appropriate, the author adds some explanatory text.
Amari, Michele, 1806-1859, History of the war of the Sicilian vespers. By Michele Amari. Ed. by Earl of Ellesmere. London, R. Bentley, 1850. 3 vols. The original work was completed by Amari in 1840. This is the definitive work of this period in Sicilian history. The work is available from the San Francisco Public Library.
Amari, Michele, 1806-1859, La Guerra del Vespro Siciliano, 2 vols. Firenze: Sucessori le Monnier, 1876. The work was also published as 3 vols in Milan in 1886.
Amore, Umberto, La Città Dei Vasai: Guida Storica Artistica Di Caltagirone, con 40 tavole fuori testo realizzate da Sandra Grimaldi, 148pp., Edizioni "Il Minotauro", Caltagirone, 1996.
Ancona, Vincenzo, Malidittu La Lingua: Damned Language, edited by Anna L. Chairetakis & Joseph Sciorra, translated by Gaetano Cipolla, Legas, 1990. ISBN 0-921252-14-5. Pueti D'Arba Sicula Series, Vol. I, Series Editor: Gaetano Cipolla. This is a dual language book and includes two audio cassettes with selections from the book. If you want to hear beautiful Sicilian, get this book.
Annaro, Sac. Nunzio, Il "Siciliano" a Caltagirone: Raccolta di proverbi, modi di dire, epiteti, soprannomi, curiosità e tradizioni., a cura del Sac. Nunzio Annaro, Sicilgrafica, Via Celso 8/10, Caltagirone, 1993. Father Annaro is a retired former pastor of the San Giorgio parish and a native of Caltagirone.
Arba Sicula - Sicilian Dawn, Journal Of Sicilian Folklore And Literature - Rivista Di Folklori E Littiratura Siciliani,, Vol. XV, No. 1 & 2, Primavera & Autunnu 1994 - Spring & Fall 1994, edited by Gaetano Cipolla, 164pp. Legas, Jamaica, NY, 1994. This is a bilingual journal with each page of Sicilian text faced with its English translation.
Attanasio, Sandro, Parole Di Sicilia: Frasi, espressioni, detti, paragoni, proverbi e "vastasate", 424 pp., Mursia, Milano, 1989. ISBN 88-425-0318-5. This is another of those books of proverbs organized alphabetically by the first word of the proverb and arbitrarily put into categories chosen by the author.
Avolio, Corrado, Introduzione allo Studio del dialetto Siciliano, A.C.T.A. Sicilia, via Portella, 9, 90030 S. Cristina, Gela, (PA).
Barbera, Renzino, Il Parere di Don Totè, 103 pp., Il Vespro, Palermo, 1978.
Bellestri, Joseph, English-Sicilian Dictionary: First American Edition, 680 pp., published by Joseph Bellestri, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1988. This is a two volume set.
Bellestri, Joseph, Basic Sicilian-English Dictionary, 338 pp., published by Joseph Bellestri, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1985. This is a two volume set.
Benjamin, Sandra, Sicily: Three Thousand Years Of Human History, 498 pp., Steerforth Press, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2006.
Bettina, Elizabeth, It Happened In Italy: Untold Stories Of How The People Of Italy Defied The Horrors Of The Holocaust, 381 pp., Thomas Nelson, Nashville, 2009.
Bonaccorsi, Santi, Vo' Jucari Ccu Mia?, 175 pp., Edizioni Lunarionuovo, Acireale, 1984. Sicilian Poetry. With a foreword by Giuseppe Bonaviri and a tribute by Mario Grasso, both written in Italian.
Bonner, J.K."Kirk", Introduction to Sicilian Grammar, LEGAS, P.O.Box 040328, Brooklyn, NY 11204, 225 pp, 2001. 16 Chapters with exercises and Sicilian-English and English-Sicilian Vocabularies.
Camilleri, Andrea, Il gioco della mosca, 91 pp., Sellerio editore, Palermo 3rd. ed. 1998 Written in Italian. This is a collection of Sicilian expressions, each of which is explained by the author with anecdotes from his childhood or otherwise. Some of the anecdotes seem a bit far-fetched.
Centro Studi di Tradizioni Popolari "Turiddu Bella", Èthnos: Quaderni di etnologia, Siracusa, 108 pp., 1996.
Cipolla, Gaetano, Essay, The Jews in Sicily, ARBA SICULA, vol. XV, p 56, 1994.
Cipolla, Gaetano, Ninety Love Octaves / Antonio Veneziano 1543-1593, edited, introduced, and translated into Enlish verse by Gaetano Cipolla, LEGAS, :Pueti d'Arba Sicula Series, Vol. VII, p 124, 2006.
Cipolla, Gaetano, Siciliana: Studies on the Sicilian Ethos, LEGAS, Sicilian Studies Series, Vol. XII, p 250, 2005.
Cirnigliaro, Nino, Trinakíe: Breve storia Semiseria della Sicilia, Foto e commento di Ciccio Gurrieri, Utopia Edizioni, 172pp., Ragusa, 1994. Written in Italian.
Cirrincione, Nino, Il Nostro Sentiero, Dipinti di Carlo Puleo, Thule, 242 pp., Bagheria, Sicily, 1997. Poetry.
Cole, Trafford R., Italian Genealogical Records: How to Use Italian Civil, Ecclesiastical, & Other Records in Family History Research, 251 pp., Ancestry Incorporated, Salt Lake City, 1995. An indispensable reference for Italian genealogy.
Colleta, John Philip, PhD, Finding Italian Roots: The Complete Guide for Americans, 130 pp.,Genealogicl Publishing Company, Inc., Baltimore, 1993, 1997. An excellent collection of information for the beginning researcher of Italian genealogy. The author covers every important topic and includes maps, a glossary of Italian words and a bibliography.
Copani, Isidoro, Ammatula si pisca si a l'amu non c'è l'isca: Locuzioni e proverbi di Sicilia (Nuova raccolta), 277 pp., c.u.e.c.m. Cooperativa Universitaria Editrice Catanese di Magistro, Catania, 1996. A collection of Sicilian proverbs and expressions with copious explanations written in Italian.
Correnti, Santi, A Short History of Sicily, Les Èditions Musae, Inc., 99 pp., Mount-Royal, Canada, 2002.
Cutrufelli, Maria Rosa, The woman outlaw: (La Briganta); translated into English by Angela M. Jeannet, 103 pp., Legas, Mineola, New York, 2004.
di Franco, J. Philip, The Italian Americans, Chelsea House Publishers, 93 pp., New York, 1987.
Di Pietro, Corrado, Alla Tavola Di Nunzio Bruno: Con La Cucina Popolare Siciliana, Venilia Editrice, 84 pp., Montemerlo (PD), 1994.
Donato, Calcedonio, La Primavera di Caltagirone: Nascita e conclusione religiosa /sociale del Partito popolare, presentazione di p. Ennio Pintacuda, 191 pp., GDB Edizioni, 1994.
Donato, Calcedonio, Giubileo Calatino, Aere Perennius, 2001.
Falcone, Lucio and Buzzanca, Giuseppe, editors, Almanaccu Sicilianu, 2009, 215pp., Pungitopo editrice, Marina di Patti, Italia, 2008.
Fava, Giuseppe, Violence: A Sicilian Drama In Three Acts, Translated into English by Gaetano Cipolla, 127pp., Legas, Mineola, NY, 2007.
Fiorentino, Paolo, Sicily Through Symbolism And Myth: Gates To Heaven And The Underworld, with 47 illustrations, 124pp., Legas, Mineola, NY, 2006.
Fonti Per La Storia Dell'Espulsione Degli Ebrei Dalla Sicilia, ed by Romualdo Giuffrida, Aldo Sparsi, Salvo Di Matteo, Accademia Nazionale Di Scienze Lettere E Arti Di Palermo, Archivio Di Stato Di Palermo, 1992. Written in Italian. Contains the source documents dealing with the expulsion of the Jews from the Spanish realm of Fernando The Catholic, which, unfortunately, included Spanish dominated Sicily.
Fudduni, Petru, Puisi e Cuntrasti in Sicilianu, Illustrazioni di Mario Viola, 87pp., Reprint S.a.S., Palermo, 1926.
Furnari, Salvatore, Myths Legends And Custooms In Greek And Roman Sicily, translated into english by Paula Bagar, Stampa EGR, 1996 ?.
Hamel, Pasquale, Breve storia della società Siciliana: 1790-1980, Sellerio editore, 103pp., Palermo, 1994. Written in Italian. This is a short history of the period of time when Sicily was under domination by Spain and then became part of Italy. Hamel recounts the decapitation of Francesco Paolo Di Blasi, in 1795, the revolution of 1812, the Kingdom of The Two Sicilys, the revolution of 1820, the revolution of 1848, the twilight of the Bourbon rule, the conquest of 1860 by Garibaldi, a discussion of various aspects of the unification with Italy, the rise and fall of fascism, the scourge of the large landowners, the establishment of the autonomous region, etc.
Italia Judaica, Gli ebrei in Sicilia sino all'espulsione del 1492, Atti del V convegno internazionale Palermo, 15-19 giugno 1992. Pubblicazioni Degli Archivi Di Stato, Saggi 32, Ministero per Beni Culturali E Ambientali, Ufficio Centrale Per I Beni Archivistici, 1995.
LaMattina, Lina, Chiddu Ca Nun Si Vidi, 86 pp., Edizioni Arci Sicilia, 1995.
LaMattina, Lina, 'Na vuci a la scurata, 95 pp., Edizioni Arci Sicilia, 1997.
Mangione, Jerre & Ben Morreale, La Storia: Five Centuries of the Italian American Exprience, 508 pp., Harper Perennial, New York, 1993.
Martoglio, Nino, Scuru: Teatro Siciliano, 116 pp., Edizioni "Il Vespro", Palermo, 1978. This is a play in three acts, written in Sicilian.
Martoglio, Nino, The Poetry of Nino Martoglio: Selections from Centona, edited, introduced and translated by Gaetano Cipolla, 304 pp., LEGAS, New York, 1993. Pueti D'Arba Sicula Series, Vol. II, Series Editor: Gaetano Cipolla.
Meli, Giovanni, Don Chisciotti and Sanciu Panza, Revized edition, Translation, Introduction and Notes by Gaetano Cipolla, 316 pp., LEGAS, New York, 2002. Pueti D'Arba Sicula Series, Vol. VI, Series Editor: Gaetano Cipolla.
Menighetti, Romolo & Nicastro, Franco, translated into English by Gaetano Cipolla, History Of Autonomous Sicily (1947-2001), LEGAS: Sicilian Studies, Vol. VII, Brooklyn, 2002.
Moceo, Pietro, Semu Ricchi E Nuddu U Sapi, 173 pp., Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2009. Serious and facetious Sicilian sayings, with explanatory text in Italian.
Nicolaci, Giacomo, Guida Di Caltagirone, 1993.
Norris, Rosalie N., editor and translator, Customs and Habits of the Sicilian Peasants, 256 pp., Associated University Presses, Inc., East Brunswick, New Jersey, 1981.
Oliveri, Fabio, La Gestualità dei Siciliani, 156pp., illustrated by Jasmin Carnabuci, Sicilian translated into Italian, English, French, German, Japanese, KREA, 1997.
Penza, John and Tony Corsi, Sicilian American Pasta: 90 Recipes You Can't Refuse, 176pp., illustrated by Miriam Dougens, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, California, 1994.
Pilati, Giacomo, Sicilian Women: True Stories of Conviction and Courage, Translated into English by Anthony N. Fragola, 90pp., Legas, Mineola, NY, 2008.
Pitrè, Giuseppe, Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, 24 vol., 1882.
Pitrè, Giuseppe, Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari siciliane, 25 vol., Palermo, 1872.
Pitrè, Giuseppe, Canti Popolari Siciliani, Vol. I, Clio, Palermo, 1891, 438 pp., Gruppo Editoriale Brancato - Clio - Biesse - Nuova Bietti, S. G. La Punta (CT), 1993. Written in Sicilian and Italian. This is a reprint of the 1891 second edition. The first section of 173 pp. is a critical study of Sicilian Folk Music. The next section, from p 177 to 410 is a collection of the text of folksongs organized into 28 categories from The beauty of women to Farces. Each song is explained and copiously footnoted. The final two small sections are songs dealing with Flowers and songs used during Carneval.
Pitrè, Giuseppe, Il Vespro Siciliano: Nelle Tradizioni Popolari Della Sicilia, Luigi Pedone Lauriel, Editore, Palermo, 1882, 125 pp., Cultura Nuova Libri - Utopia Edizioni, 1987. Written in Sicilian and Italian. This delightful little volume recounts 24 variations of the incredible "Vespro" story as told in the various towns of Sicily. It's followed by a handful of proverbs, some popular "Canti" and some children's games, all of which are related to the Vespers. Each proverb, song, or game is annotated by Pitrè.
Pitrè, Giuseppe, Proverbi Siciliani Raccolti E Confrontati Con Quelli Degli Altri Dialetti D'Italia, Vol. II, A cura di Loredana Bellantonio, Documenta Edizioni S.D.C., Comiso (RG), 2002, 315 pp.
Pitrè, G, von Gonzenbach, L., Guastella, S. A., edited by G. Celona & B Sergi, I Raconti di Giufa e Altre Storie, 269 pp., edizioni Greco, Catania, 1994.
Pitrè, Christian E. Wentrup., 1870, Grammatica Siciliana del dialetto e delle parlate, 92 pp., Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 1995.
Privitera, Joseph F., Ph.D.,., Beginner's Sicilian, Hippocrene Books, New York, 159pp, 1998. This is an excellent little grammar that's packed with useful vocabulary for everyday occasions including ten lessons with topics such as: Arrival at the Airport, Introductions, By Taxi and Bus, The Hotel, etc. It also has brief discussions of Sicilian geography, history, politics, economics, and arts and letters.
Privitera, Joseph F., Ph.D.,., Sicilian: The Oldest Romance Language,LEGAS, Brooklyn, New York, 90pp, 2002.
Privitera, Joseph F., Ph.D.,., Sicily: An Illustrated History, Hippocrene Books, Inc New York, 152pp, 2002.
Privitera, Joseph F., Ph.D.,., The Sicilians, LEGAS, Brooklyn, New York, 175pp, 2001.
Provenzano, Antonino, Vinissi... I'd Love to Come...,LEGAS, Brooklyn, 175pp, 1995. Pueti D'Arba Sicula Series, Vol. IV, Series Editor: Gaetano Cipolla.
Provenzano, Antonino, Tornu/ The Return,LEGAS, Mineola, NY, 165pp, 1995. Pueti D'Arba Sicula Series, Vol. VIII, Series Editor: Gaetano Cipolla, Translated into English berse by Gaetano Cipolla.
Ragona, Antonino, Caltagirone: Itinerario Storico - Artistico,Edizione Greco, Catania, 159pp, 1992.
Ragona, Antonino, Il Museo Della Ceramica Siciliana in Caltagirone,Edizione "Il Minotauro", Caltagirone, 157pp, 1996.
Ragusa, Giovanni, Vocabolario italiano - siciliano ibleo, Volume Primo, 463pp., Editrice Pro-loco-modica, 1991. This is an unusual Italian - Sicilian dictionary. The author very carefully renders the Sicilian in the Ibleo dialect of the area around Modica.
Regione Siciliana, Sicily: A year's events and festivals, 112pp., Touring Club Italiano, 2004.
Rinaudo, Claudio, U lampiuni, 101pp., THULE, Palermo, 1998. This is a book of Sicilian poetry that reflects the author's profound sense of humor.
Rinaudo, Claudio, 2000 Risate, with a preface by Maxmiliano Bancheri, 126pp., Edizioni EraNova, Delia (CL), 2000.
Ruggeri, Peppino, Prigheri e canzuneddi divoti dâ Sicilia, Prayers and Devotional Songs of Sicily,180pp., LEGAS, Mineola, NY, 2009.
Runciman, Steven, The Sicilian Vespers: A history of the Mediterranean World in the Later Thirteenth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1958. This is an interesting, much quoted, but disquieting book to read. Interesting and much quoted because it is in English and deals with the very intriguing history of the Sicilian Vespers. Disquieting because the author picks and chooses his way through the facts to put forth his own point of view and discounting the differing views of Michele Amari, whose three volume work he professes to admire.
Salomone-Marino, Salvatore., (1846-1916), Costume e usancze dei contadini di Sicilia, edited and translated into english by Rosalie N. Norris, see above.
Scianò, Giuseppe, Sicilia, Sicilia, Sicilia!; Diario Politico Di Un Indipendentista Nel Primo Anno Dell Terzo Millennio, 236pp., Edizione Anteprima, Palermo, 2004.
Sciascia, Leonardo, Sicily as Metaphor, 143pp., Translated into English by James Marcus, The Marlboro Press, Marlboro VT, 1994.
Shakespeare, William, A Sicilian Shakespeare: A Bilingual Edition of All His Sonnets, Trans. Renzo Porcelli, 102pp., LEGAS, Brooklyn, NY, 2001.
Spampinato, Alfio, L'Economia Senza Etica E' Diseconomia, 136pp., Centro Internazionale Studi Luigi Sturzo, Il Sole 24 Ore Pirola S.p.A. Milano, 1996.
Spoto, Salvatore, Sicilia Antica, Usi, costumi e personaggi dalla Preistoria alla società greca, nell'isola culla della civiltà europea, 352pp., Newton & Compton editori, Roma, 2002.
Sucato, Ignazio, La Lingua Siciliana, Origine E Storia, 2a ed., 125pp., Edizioni La Via, Palermo, 1975. Written in Italian. This is a collection of very brief essays arranged chronlogically from the time of the Phoenicians to the present. He attempts to show, with vocabulary lists, how the various occupiers of Sicily contributed words to the Sicilian vocabulary.
Traina, Antonino, Vocabolario Siciliano-Italiano, 1159 pp., Palermo, 1868, Reprint, s. a. s., undated.
Tribalto, Carmela Caruso, Ciuri...Ciuri: Folklore Gioia E Dolore Nelle Canzoni Siciliane, 104 pp., Editrice Giannotta, Catania, 1989.
Varano, Pasquale, Wisdom Through The Ages: Italian And English Proverbs And Quotations, 176 pp., LEGAS, Mineola, New York, 2004.
Veneziano, Antonio, Ninety Love Octaves, 123 pp., LEGAS, Mineola, New York, 2006. Edited, Introduced, and Translated into English Verse by Gaetano Cipolla. Pueti D'Arba Sicula Series, Vol. VII, Series Editor: Gaetano Cipolla.
Verga, Giovanni, Little Novels of Sicily: Stories, Translated and with an Introduction by D.H. Lawrence, 149 pp., Stteerforth Italia an imprint of Steerforth Press, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2000.
Virgilio, Eneide, 581 pp., Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a., Torino, 1967 e 1989.
Vitiello, Justine, Labhyrinths and Volcanoes" Windings through Sicily, 119 pp., LEGAS, Brooklyn, New York, 1999. A wide ranging, thought provoking book with some beautiful poetry translations interspersed.
Viviano, Frank, Blood Washes Blood: A True Story of Love, Murder, and Redemption Under The Sicilian Sun, 270 pp., Pocket Books, New York, 2001.
Wentrup, Christian F., translated and annotated by Giuseppe Pitrè, Grammatica Siciliana del dialetto e delle parlate, 1875, with an introduction by Giovanni Ruffino, 94 pp., Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 1995.
Wright, Clifford A., Cucina Paradiso: the heavenly food of Sicily, 274 pp., Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992.
Zinna, Lucio, Proverbi Siciliani, 128 pp., Reprint, s. a. s., Palermo, 1995. Sicilian proverbs translated into Italian. A collection of 546 proverbs organized by subject.